The "Team"

The "Team"
Haley, Marcy, Steve, John and Brandt

Saturday, July 10, 2010

You have to know where you are to know how to get where you want to be.

Fail to plan, plan to fail. Yes its cliche, but oh so true. Especially as it relates to Ironman.
I've needed goals in triathlon for the last 2 years. I've got one now. Actually I've a bunch of little ones that when executed will add up to the big one.
Goal #1 met. Its been a good consistent training week for me. Nothing to speak of in the way of volume, but reliable, and consistent activity. I've been taking inventory so to speak for the last few weeks. I've run a little, I've ridden a little, but still haven't swam. Might today.
I've also been taking the "real" inventory.......the scale inventory. Much to my surprise, I am 26lbs heavier than when I toed the line at IMAZ. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about it, but in reality, 26 is better than I had expected. Enter goal #2. I used to always look at a day of eating as a series of decisions. 6 to be specific. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and the 3 times after each. No single decision can really wreck your day. Make more good decisions, than bad over the course of the day, and you are golden. Goal #2 was also been achieved for the last 2 weeks. Packing lunches for work, and lots of snacks to graze on during the day, has kept my visits to the bad place limited to coffee only.
My goals every week are to consistently train, and to eat well. Consistently means at least 6 days of training a week. Eating well means eating good quality foods, and being happy with my eating decisions daily.
When I put the next 45 or so weeks of goals in the win column, I win. I'll be lighter, stronger, and healthier than I was in April08 at IMAZ.
I know where I am, I know where I want to be, and now I know what its going to take to get there.
I can do this, I will do this. Get your popcorn folks. This is gonna be good.


  1. Great job, Steve. The "little goals" really start gaining momentum once they are piled on top of each other. Proud of ya. -B
